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Sacred music from Bologna Q15
Guillaume Dufay

The Clerks' Group

Sacred music from Bologna Q15

Format: CD
Label: Signum Classics
UPC: 0635212002322
Catnr: SIGCD 023
Release date: 01 October 2002
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Signum Classics
Catalogue number
Release date
01 October 2002

About the album

This is the third disc recorded by The Clerks' Group for their Signum Records trilogy. The series explores repertoire in the medieval period and culminates with a selection of works by Guillaume Dufay, found in one of the great anthologies of 15th century music: the manuscript Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS Q15 (or "Q15" as it is known by its friends).

The Q15 manuscript contains examples of almost every conceivable musical genre of the period by a vast array of composers. The Clerks' Group has chosen to perform works by a single composer, but still the variety of forms and styles on offer is bewildering. Guillaume Dufay was a composer who witnessed and contributed to most of the revolutionary changes to occur in music composition in the 15th century. The album includes some of the earlier works so often neglected from Dufay's repertoire, and goes on to explore compositions that demonstrate this revolutionary genius. Some compositional techniques celebrated by The Clerks' Group's performance include the playful exchange of Dufay's song-like melodies between the vocal lines; and the use of mensural canon, where the same melody is sung by all voices but at slightly different speeds. These are just a few examples of the radical nature of Dufay's music as demonstrated on this recording.

The Clerks' Group brings immense diversity to the music and its performance. Their refreshing approach displays sincere empathy and passion for this astonishing repertory.

Het laatste deel uit de trilogie van The Clerks’ Group
Dit is het derde album uit de trilogie van The Clerks’ Group. De drie albums verkennen het middeleeuwse repertoire en bereiken een hoogtepunt met een selectie werken van Guillaume Dufay, gevonden in een van de grootste bloemlezingen van 15e-eeuwse muziek: het manuscript Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS Q15 (ook wel bekend als Q15).

Het Q15 manuscript bevat voorbeelden van bijna elk denkbaar genre uit de periode, geschreven door een groot aantal componisten. The Clerks’ Group heeft ervoor gekozen om alleen werken van Dufay uit te voeren, maar de variatie in vormen en stijlen is nog steeds verbijsterend. Dufay was een componist die getuige was van, en bijdroeg aan, de meeste revolutionaire ontwikkelingen in het componeren van de 15e eeuw. Het album bevat enkele van zijn vroege werken, die te vaak genegeerd worden, maar brengt ook de bekendere composities die zijn revolutionaire genie tonen ten gehore. In hun nagenoeg perfecte uitvoering verheerlijkt The Clerks' Group de compositietechnieken van Dufay, waaronder de speelse uitwisseling van melodieën tussen de vocale lijnen en het gebruik van de mensurale canon, waarin dezelfde melodie door alle stemmen met verschillende snelheden wordt gezongen. Dit zijn slechts een paar voorbeelden van de radicale aard van Dufays muziek.

The Clerks’ Group voert de muziek uit met onmetelijke diversiteit. Hun verfrissende aanpak toont oprechte empathie en passie voor dit verbazingwekkende repertoire.


Edward Wickham (conductor)


Guillaume Dufay

Ever since his death, Dufay has been considered as one of the greatest composers of the 15th century. In his life as a composer and singer Dufay, like many others, traveled throughout Europe, yet he stayed most of his years in Cambrai, France. At an early age, Dufay already showed remarkable talent and on his fourteenth he received the necessary support, and expensive presents, from the local cathedral. He would never pursue an academic education, but he knew how to obtain good positions within the Church.  Dufay composed in all the important genres of his age, from grandiose motets and intimate chansons to sacred, liturgical music. Dufay's style is surprisingly consistent and there is little development within his body of works....
Ever since his death, Dufay has been considered as one of the greatest composers of the 15th century. In his life as a composer and singer Dufay, like many others, traveled throughout Europe, yet he stayed most of his years in Cambrai, France. At an early age, Dufay already showed remarkable talent and on his fourteenth he received the necessary support, and expensive presents, from the local cathedral. He would never pursue an academic education, but he knew how to obtain good positions within the Church. Dufay composed in all the important genres of his age, from grandiose motets and intimate chansons to sacred, liturgical music. Dufay's style is surprisingly consistent and there is little development within his body of works. The only development which can be discovered from his works, is the fact that at an early age he composed rhythmically striking melodies and later composed more fluent, milder musical lines. His motets and his Missa Se la face ay pale became the most famous - and are still absolutely worth listening to!


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